Monday, August 18, 2014

Lena's first year


WOW! A year??! How?! Oh man has it been a wild ride! This little lady is SO different from her sister in every way imaginable (except as she ages she is starting to look a lot like big sis). Lots of sleepless nights. Lots of tears. Countless smiles and THE. BEST. SNUGGLES. EVER. I am so glad to have this girl in my life and a part of our family.

When I was pregnant I was gifted a free newborn photoshoot. I was SO EXCITED! Long story short- the photographer totally blew us off. I was so upset. But determined to have newborn pictures I took my point and shoot, my 7 day old newborn and my husbands surfboard to the beach to snap some pictures. I had no idea what I was doing HAHA! But it was fun!! A few months later I convinced the hubs to buy me a DSLR for Christmas. Lena was 4 months old. All I had to do was turn my fancy new camera to auto and press the shutter button and TADA I'd have gold - obviously (except that isn't what happened- at all LOL). So I started to read countless blogs and watch a million tutorials. Met a few amazing photographers who have helped me learn so much. Certainly took some toughening of the skin as I had my images ripped apart and I questioned a million times if I was doing the right thing. But I kept on. Looking back at these pictures is pretty awesome to see how much my daughter has grown and how much I have grown in my photography. While I have only scratched the surface I am so excited to see how far I have come and am looking forward to what the next year brings!






Megan Soto Photography is a natural light photographer in St. Augustine, Florida and surrounding areas specializing in Maternity, Babies, Children and family portraits. For more information or to book a grow with me session please email

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